Solar Activity

Figure 1. Florent Di Bartolo, Solar Activity, 2019.

Solar Activity is a visual and sound composition generated using data retracing the magnetic activity of the sun from 1848 to the present day.

The visuals are built upon five main animations. These animations or movements are generated in real time based on data reading. They follow one another according to the intensity of solar activity in a given period of time.

The sound composition is spatialised using stereophonic sound.

Solar Activity est une composition visuelle et sonore générée à l’aide de données retraçant l’activité magnétique du soleil de 1848 à nos jours.

La composition visuelle est construite autour de cinq principales animations. Ces animations (ou mouvements) sont générées à partir de la lecture de données en temps réel. Elles succèdent les unes aux autres en fonction de l'intensité de l’activité solaire pendant une période donnée.

La composition sonore est spatialisée à l’aide d’un son stéréophonique.

Figure 6. Florent Di Bartolo, Solar Activity, Deep End Film Festival, Nimègue, 2019.

About the author

Florent Di Bartolo is an artist and researcher based in Paris. His work includes audiovisual performances, installations and interactive data visualizations. His artistic practice revolves around the notion of data poetics in the context of ubiquitous computing and explore alternative ways of representing and accessing data using sensors and custom written software.

He holds a PhD in Digital Art from Paris 8 University and a BA in Fine Art from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts located in Paris. He teaches new media art and graphic programming at the University Paris-Est.